Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Y scene.

One day in the future my 18 year old daughter will be calling… what will it be like….

Scenario one, I am living in Mexico:  

 “Mom, we are getting married. I know you will not be there because you cannot make it from Mexico. No my brother can’t talk to you sorry… I don’t know I guess he is mad because you left.”…. “Hey mom it was an awesome wedding. Your sisters and their husbands were there and their kids… so were your mom and dad. Lots of people were wondering about you, why my mom was not there for my wedding… or my siblings… I could have used your help with my dress… I was really nervous too. Wish you could have been there, sending photos.”…… “Mom I’m pregnant”…. “Almost time to go to the hospital, wish you were here!”….”First birthday party won’t be the same without you guys… tell my brothers and sisters I said hi and I miss them…”

Scenario two, traveling back and forth like now:

    “Mom I am making arrangements for our wedding. Do you want me to seat you and my sisters and brothers with your parents so you have another adult at your table? Dad will be sitting with his girlfriend and all of the others are coupled off, so I just want to make sure that you are comfortable.”….. “My daughter is so beautiful, don’t you think dad. I wish Ricardo were here for the thousandth precious moment of my life missed”…. “Your baby is so pretty. One day you can vacation to see Ricardo in Mexico so he can be a part of her life.”….. “Another birthday party goes by without Ricardo in the photos or in our memory.”

Scenario three, Ricardo gets his papers and we are living in the USA:

    “Mom and Ricardo… sit down we have news to tell you – we are getting married!”……….. “Mom and Ricardo you look so happy. Mom can you help me with my dress? Ricardo isn’t she beautiful? Let’s dance!”…. “Can you guys come out to eat with us we have good news… We are going to have a baby. You guys are grandparents!”….. “Ricardo I am so nervous sitting in this waiting room. Let’s take the kids down to the café until she is born…. Hey there little baby we are your grandparents… you can come to our house all of the time.... Happy st birthday sweet angel, do you want to sleep over at my house tonight? Grandpap Ricardo will take us all to the park for some ice cream tomorrow!”

1 comment:

  1. I am back reading through your blogs and got to this one. I am sorry you lost your baby, and I am sorry you lost the older ones too. My ex has my youngest and had prevented me from seeing him except with him for several years before we had to move to Mexico. I got to see him last year, with his dad and latest step-mom and he sounded about like your imagined-older son in this blog. He said he hates me and I abandoned him. He is 15 now and although I had not been getting to see him since he was seven that is not what his dad has planted in his memory. It is sad and noone should be allowed to decide which family members are allowed to be with us.
